Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Screens in the bedroom

I love the idea of using a screen behind a headboard. Screens also look pretty as a headboard but I prefer screen floating behind a headboard from a functionality and layered design stand point! This top room by Nick Olsen, is one of my current favorites!
This picture has been around for a long time but I LOVE this bedroom and screen.
Vintage Screens are my favorite! This room incorporates a very cool balance of modern and traditional design idea.
This is a great use of a tiny space. Not enough closet storage? Set up racks to display your best and fun pieces.


  1. such an amazing idea! i like it much better than a headboard!


  2. Oh these are all wonderful.
    Have a great week.

  3. I totally agree with you. It is a really classy look.


  4. I love the green one. ¡Great post!

  5. I love these screens! I upholstered our screen and it is now our headboard but not nearly as beautiful as these!

  6. I love them all but that gold one, 4th from the bottom is my favorite.
    I didn't like the idea of the 4 poster bed and a screen, leads to too much clutter in my opinion.
    I love the Asian screens, I love the swan screen that matches the wall paper .. I pretty much just love them :)
    Thanks for more inspiration for our new bedroom in our new home,wherever that is !
    besos, C

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